November 24th, 2014 | John Strelecky
One of the wonderful things which happens as we help young people discover their purpose, is their attitude toward life becomes so much healthier.
“James”(name changed for privacy) was known throughout the school as a troublemaker. He was difficult to deal with, rarely paid attention, and often became confrontational with teachers and other students. His home life wasn’t good, his teachers knew that. And because of it, they tried to be extra supportive. But it didn’t seem to help.
Then James was given the chance to identify his purpose and Big Five for Life. To his teacher’s surprise, he was active and engaged in the process. When he shared his results, what stood out above everything else was that he loved automobiles and wished he could spend his time working on them.
To his great surprise, it was arranged that he would be given the opportunity to do that. To live his purpose. For a full day, he worked side by side professional mechanics in an auto repair shop. He changed tires, passed tools, helped make repairs….
Months afterwards, his teachers were still talking about what a change that day had made in him. “Like a different person,”they said. “Attentive, engaged, interested in learning.”
When young people don’t have a clear sense of purpose in life, the world can seem overwhelming. And in response, as they try to make sense of it all, they often either disengage, or lash out. As James demonstrated though, when they understand their purpose, and know what they want to do, see, and experience in their life, the overwhelmingness goes away. And with it, goes the need to constantly be in fight or flight mode.
They have a clear sense of the path they want to walk, and a deep desire to walk it.
It is thanks to generous donations like yours that we are able to help kids like James. Thank you so much!